LL-00100 – Digital crafts tourism

Common territorial challenge (s) that will be tackled by the project

Craftsmanship has always been one of the main characteristics associated with Latgale region in Latvia and Utena and Panevezys districts in Lithuania. Approximately 600 people in the border area still do crafts using traditional skills and local resources either as their main profession and point of income or besides their professional life. However, the interest in craftsmanship as a sector and its traditional skills has lost its popularity over the years, especially among younger generations whose attention on physical activities has been taken away by the modern technologies, gadgets and social media thus jeopardising the preservation of traditional cultural heritage embedded in craftsmanship.

Project objective

The overall objective of the project is to promote the role of craftsmanship as one of the main living domains preserving the cultural heritage of the Latvia-Lithuania cross-border area by transforming it into a digital exhibition that presents and promotes traditional crafts sectors, skills and products.

Planned activities

Development of the concept and preparatory work for production of the joint digital exhibition on craftsmanship interlinking the exhibitions on specific craft domains developed at four partner sites. During the project will be created 5 digital exhibitions. 1.Digital exhibition “Traditional crafts universe of Latgale”, Address: Unity House in Daugavpils, Rīgas street 22a, 2.Virtual exhibition on woodworking and Kraslava specific wooden architecture. Address: The virtual exhibition will be displayed at the stables of Kraslava Castle complex in Kraslava, Pils street 10, 3. Digital exhibition on ceramics in Anyksciai, Address: Interactive exhibition of PP4 will take place in the premises of Anyksciai art incubator – art studio (Address: J.Biliūno 53, Anyksciai), 4. Crafts exhibitions in Panevezys district – on linen weaving of traditional Aukštaitija region ribbons, Exhibition on linen at the Flax museum, address: Ėriškių str. 17A, Stultiškiai village, Upytė eldership, Panevėžys district, 5.Traditional folk music instruments in Panevezys district, 2) Exhibition on traditional folk music instruments at the Barn building, address: Ėriškių str. 16A, Upytė village, Upytė eldership, Panevėžys district. Communication and promotion: 1) Promotion of the developed exhibitions- 3 International marketing campaigns organized in Latgale, Utena district and Panevezy district, 2) Exhibition opening event, 3) Providing project visibility and publicity.


  • The Interreg VI-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2021–2027 aims to contribute to the

sustainable and cohesive socioeconomic development of the Programme regions by helping

to make them more competitive and attractive for living, studying, working and visiting.


  • This project is co-funded by the European Union. Total project budget is 697 275 Co-funding of European Regional Development Fund is 557 820  EUR.


  • This document has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Latgale Planning Region and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.