In accordance with the regulatory policy the status and the tax reliefs of the Latgale Special Economic Zone (LSEZ) can be granted to enterprises that are registered and operate in the Latgale region. Management of Latgale SEZ is centralized through the Latgale planning region.
Unlike in other special economic zones, the size and location of the territory that can be granted the status of LSEZ in each of the municipalities of the Latgale planning region is not predefined. LSEZ status can be granted to up to 5% of the total territory of the Latgale planning region, and is granted to the territory in which the entrepreneurs want to invest.

Presentation "Advantages of Latgale SEZ"
Territory of Latgale planning region:
- 7 municipalities – Balvi municipality, Augšdaugava municipality, Krāslava municipality, Līvāni municipality, Ludza municipality, Preiļi municipality, Rēzekne municipality;
- 2 cities of the republican significance (Daugavpils and Rezekne);
- A total of 14 547 sq.km (or 22.52% of the total territory of Latvia) and includes 9 local municipality.
Tax relief:
- 80% relief for company income tax;
- Up to 100% relief for property tax.
The total amount of tax relief:
Maximum allowed support intensity from the investments:- 60% of the investment costs in tax relief – when the company conforms to category of small or micro company;
- 50% of the investment costs in tax relief – when the company conforms to category of medium company;
- 40% of the investment costs in tax relief – when the company conforms to category of large company.
Accepted investment:
- Long-term tangible investments – buildings, constructions, equipment and machinery;
- Long-term intangible investments – costs of acquisition of patents and technology;
- The assets purchased must be new, except if the company conforms to the status of small or medium-sized capital company.
Investment is made in:
- establishment of a new capital company;
- increase in production or service capacity of an existing capital company;
- diversification of the production of an existing capital company with products that have not been previously produced in capital company;
- fundamental change in the production processes of an existing capital company.
The procedure of granting support:
- The company prepares investment project documentation and submits it to LSEZ authority;
- LSEZ reviews the investment project, its conformity to legislation, and after the planned investment is accepted and agreed by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, the territory is granted the status of LSEZ;
- Company is granted LSEZ status;
- LSEZ authority signs a contract with the company regarding making the investments;
- Company makes planned investments;
- Conclusion of investment project;
- Applying tax relief.
Unsupported sectors:
- Transport sector companies and transport infrastructure;
- Companies that produce steel products;
- Synthetic fibres sector companies;
- Agricultural sector companies;
- Fishery and aquaculture sector companies;
- Coal production sector companies.
Contact information of Latgale SEZ authority:
E-mail: lsez@lpr.gov.lv, Phone: +371 26511047LSEZ deputy chief executive officer Vladislavs Stankevičs