The territorial planning (2006-2026) of Latgale planning region

On October 3, the territorial planning (2006-2026) of Latgale planning region was accepted at the meeting of Latgale Planning Region Development Council (LPRDC). Latgale planning region and Latgale Region Development Agency are grateful to experts, to leaders of local governments and state organizations, to other social partners and specialists for contribution to the process of working-out of the planning of Latgale planning region.

The document is available on the portal of Latgale region territorial planning of Latgale planning region.

On September 17, National Regional Development Council under the supervision of the Minister of Regional Development and Local Governments, Aigars Štokenbergs, accepted the territorial planning of Latgale planning region and the document was sent to the LPRDC.

In the territorial planning of Latgale planning region four priorities are determined – competitive recovery of the region, development of regional infrastructure, tourism and regional institutions.
The development of basic infrastructures and modern information processing technologies, preservation of cultural inheritance are stressed in the planning. It is important to raise competitive ability in the labour market and to provide balancing of demand in the field of education and labour market and equal job possibilities.