Project is co-financed by European Regional Development Fund
Project title: Fostering Capacity for Business Development in Latgale – Utena Cross Border Region, acronym REGION INVEST
Programme: Latvia-Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation programme 2007 – 2013
Project target groups:
1) 360 businesses who received 3 modules training in business management, starting a business and planning exports.
2) 80 representatives of business information centres, business associations, municipalities who develop and apply technology approach in Technology workshops.
3) 400 representatives of the business sector who receive consultation in innovations and exports.
4) 40 private and public partners who have investment portfolios developed and 4 of them actively marketed.
5) 20 companies with innovative products exposed at business fairs.
6) 200 participants of Business Forum (businesses, researchers, municipalities, incubators).
7) 20000 people of the Region who gain support via cross border strategies for research and technologies in business, research and information dissemination.
8) 3 project partners’ institutions that increase their experience and capacity in fostering business development, exports, investments, based on joint cross border approach and learning from each other.
9) In middle-term also students of Daugavpils University who undertake project management course, bachelor degree, master degree in business administration from Latvia and Lithuania cross border area (but not limited to that) and are innovative and competitive in business.
Overall objective of the project: To promote business stabilization and development in the area of 7 municipalities at the very border of Latgale and Utena region through joint cross border approach fostering exports and production, promoting cooperation between business and academic sector in the economic development space of Baltic Country of Lakes.
Sub-objectives of the project:
1. To improve skills and knowledege of existing business and start-ups in business management, starting business and exports by delivery of 3 training modules for 360 business trainees for immediate impact and develop 3 study programmes for bachelor’s “Culture and Business Relations in Eastern Europe”, master’s “Business Administration” and “Project Management” course for middle term impact in Latvia-Lithuania border area.
2. To create Baltic Country of Lakes’ research and technology network, involving business, academic and public sectors for innovation and high technology development in business in Latvia-Lithuania border area through 8 technology workshops facilitated by the researchers of Daugavpils University.
3. To develop joint strategic approach in Latvia-Lithuania border area to joint activities in exports, investment attraction and joint business activities through developing 40 investment portfolios of the sites with most potential, strategies and active direct marketing measures.
4. To improve academic and potential business related infrastructure by reconstructing 69,10m2 of auditorium at Daugavpils University research centre with video conferencing equipment.
Project activities and outputs:
WP I Management and Coordination:
5 meetings of Steering Committee and 8 meetings of Project Implementation Unit, 12 individual partners’ reports and 4 progress reports produced, 18 press releases prepared, 3 partners’ websites updated.
WP II Communication and Dissemination:
1. Project brochure
2. Publications in national and local mass media (3)
3. Press releases (5)
4. Business Forum organized
5. Study trips (2)
6. Technology workshops (8), Research and technology network created (1)
WP III Business Support Services:
1. 3 study programmes elaborated.
2. Joint feasibility study on investment sites (20+20) with creation of joint data base.
3. Research “Cooperation perspectives of business and science”.
4. Trainings, 3 modules LV-LT „Business management”, „Start-ups”, „Export planning” (360 participants).
5. Strategy on Research and technology development for cross border area (middle term).
6. Manual for business start-ups and evaluation tool.
7. Participation in 2 exhibitions, 9 representatives of project partners and 4 investment sites marketed.
8. 400 consultations on starting business and planning exports (200+200)
WP IV Business Support Infrastructure:
1. Reconstruction of auditorium (69.10 m2) at Daugavpils University and purchase of video conferencing equipment.
Project period: 24 months
Contact information:
Latgale Planning Region
Tel.: +371 65423801
E-mail: latgale@latgale.lv