Programme: Latvia- Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007- 2013
Project title: “New Theme Village Business Development Opportunities in Latgale and Aukstaitija Cross Border Region”, acronym VILLAGE HERITAGE, (Nr.LLII-106)
Lead partner: Ignalina Nuclear Power Plan Regional Development Agency (Lithuania)
Project partner: Latgale Planning Region (Latvia)
Project territory: Aukštaitia region and Latgale region
The overall objective of the project: to promote business and labour market development at the local cross-border level by fostering economic potential of villages to develop competitive products and joint marketing based on traditional economic values and a unique Theme Village concept.
Specific aims:
1. to stimulate small business development in the villages through support and encouragement of villagers to make business targeted at tourism and other economy sectors;
2. to ensure business skill and capacity building of the villagers;
3. to support creation of self-sustaining cross border network of Theme Villages in Latgale and Aukstaitija.
The target groups of the project:
1. Direct target group of the Project is village people who live in 20 borderland villages as well as 40 most active inhabitants from these villages who are potential business start-ups in their villages; Village facilitators, local business and tourism information service providers who will be involved in sustaining of project results after the project implementation (50 people)
2. Potential visitors of theme villages – local, from other districts and abroad (tourists and those who are interested in culinary heritage, crafts, children groups from schools, larger businesses).
3. Involved representatives of project partners who help to manage and coordinate the project activities.
Start date: 05/07/2010
End date: 31/08/2012