Project “Creating New Tourist Destination By Joining Two Border Regions in Latgale – Rytu Aukstaitija”
The aim of project is to contribute economical development of both border regions, contributing development of tourism industry.
Sub objects of project:
- to contribute an identification of region as common tourism destination – Baltic Country of Lakes – to provide an increase of tourists in region using focused activities of marketing;
- to supplement and to improve instant tourism products and to develop new products and packages of products – that is based on special advantages of regions;
- to increase cross-border collaboration in tourism sector, forming common informative system and contributing collaboration of enterprises.
Partners of project:
Leading partner: Latgale Regional Development Agency.
Partners – Ignalina atomic power plant Regional Development Agency, Euroregion`s “Country of Lakes” offices of Latvia and Lithuania, Utena district administration, Latgale tourism association, and LTDA – Latvian tourism development agency.
Term of project implementation:
December, 2005 – November, 2007
Budget of project
(1) ERAF financing – (EUR) 442 890
(2) National financing in Latvia and Lithuania – (EUR) 147 630
Total – (EUR) 590520
Target groups of project:
- tourism employers of both regions
- residents of both regions (more then 500 000 residents)
- for marketing activities – especially residents of Vilnius (550,000) and Riga (800,000) as main target groups.
Planned results and arrangements:
Implementation of project will contribute an identification of Baltic Country of Lakes as fascinating destination for tourists and will contribute an inflow of tourists.
- formation of common informative system – (relating websites, un tourism information in 5 languages;
- 36 interactive training seminars, 120 individual consultations and 5 exchange of experience tours for 40 employers, that is related with water tourism, for 40 craftsmans and 40 employees of cultural tourism in Latvia and Lithuania;
- formed 20-30 new, fascinating packages of tourism services;
- 2 prior researches (formation of necessary infrastructure for water tourism and formation of domestic waterways), with these results it will be possible to base investments for next period 2007 – 2013;
- Baltic Country of Lakes as contributing strategy of united tourism region for period 2007 – 2013;
- 80 000 exemplars of regional tourism maps, 2 brochures of tourism products (70 000 copies), 2 booklets of arrangements (14 000 copies in 5 languages);
- comprehensive advertising campaign in national level in term of 2 years, including:
- annual journals` specials (200 000 copies in Latvia and Lithuania);
- 18 outdoor advertising stalls and commercial on tram (Riga) and trolleybus (Vilnius) for 18 months;
- broadcasting of 2 commercials on TV (each 36 times), broadcasted 4 radio commercials for 54 times each;
- 40 publications in mass media;
- 3 commercial banners in 16 internet portals for 18 months;
- Participating in 6 tourism exhibitions.
BJR INTERREG IIIA project “Creating New Tourist Destination By Joining Two Border Regions in Latgale – Rytu Aukstaitija” is co-financed by European Union.
Extra information:
Janis Rutka
Phone: 28661925