Igauneja interesejās par latgalīšim

Napaseņ sajiemem viestuli nu Tallinys (Igauneja) ar vaicuojumu paleidzēt i izstuosteit, kaida ir latgalīšu darbeiba masu sazinis leidzekļūs. Tod nu LaKuGa.LV pīduovoj jiusim īsapazeit gon ar itū viestuli, gon ar nūsyuteitū atbiļdi. Obejis viestulis ir orginaltekstūs (angliski), bet, ka ir lela interese, tod varam ari puorlikt iz latgalīšu volūdu.

Subject: a request concerning Latgal media

Dear Juris Vilums

My name is Mait Talts and I am working currently for International University Audentes (Tallinn). At the moment I am writing a paper on the media landscape of the native ethnic minorities in Baltic Sea region. The main focus will be paid to Seto and Võro language media in Estonia. But as we know there are similar native ethnic groups (Latgals and Livs in Latvia, Karaims and Lietuvininkai in Lithuania, not to mention Finnish Karelians, Savos and Samis, Polish Kashubians etc.) in other countries of Baltic Rim.

However, I would like to have more comparative information how is the broadcasting organised among Latgals. What are the main newspapers (Latgal pages in local Latvian newspapers) and radio broadcasts? Have there been any attempts to begin with Latgal TV broadcasting etc.?

I would appreciate it very much if you could provide me with related information.

With best regards,
Mait Talts
Secretary for research
International University Audentes
Tondi 55, 11316 Tallinn, ESTONIA
Phone: + 372 6996519, 58341569

Paļdis Harijam Bernānam par saraksteitu atbiļdis viestuli:

Dear Mr Talts!

First of all let me express our true appreciation of your interest in Latgalian issues.

Regarding latgalian (lg) media:

Printed media:

There is not a single latgalian-only printed media nowdays.

Some printed media has articles in latgalian, but such articles comprise a small proportion of the content of particular newspaper. Some examples of such media:

“Vieteja Avize” (Latgale region newspaper, in latvian, latgalian contents less than 10%) web:www.latgale.lv/lv/prese/vieteja ;

“Latgales Laiks” (Latgale region newspaper, in latvian, latgalian contents less than 10%) web: www.latgaleslaiks.lv ;

“Novadnieks” (Latgale region newspaper, in latvian, latgalian contents less than 10%) web: www.novadnieks.lv .

A special case is the magazine “Katolu Dzeive” (“Chatholic Life”) that has biger share of latgalian content, but it is rather religious than mainstreem media. Apart from that this media is considerable with its editor in chief – Mr Latkovska who is an active advocate for Latgalian language and culture.

Regarding electronic media – we have “Latgolys Radeja” (“Radio of Latgola”, www.lr.lv ) that broadcasts in Latgola region, also available in as internet radio. A great thing about this radio is that its editor in chief – Mr Labinskis is a professsional in the field of radiobroadcasting and a true latgalian. The language of radio is latgalian 100%, they do the news, cultural and analytic parts, the team is very young and enthusiastic. The sad part about this radio is that this is a private company (Mr Labinskis is one of the investors) and this radio has to compete with government founded radiostations and latvian/russian radiostations. If it does not get profitable, it might be shut down…

No TVs in latgalian.


LaKuGa.lv – abriviation of Latgalian Culture Gazette – culture, language, news, mostly in Latgalian. Currently the most active page in lg.

Munidraugi.lv – latgalian localization of frype.com, a social network.

Latgola.lv – the first major website in lg, noticable for its forums/mailinglists in lg, covering general issues as well as church, shools etc.

Latgale.lv – the site of Latgale regional developement agency. Some latgalian.

borowa.lv , dd.atzolys.lv – sites of latgalian music groups.

atzolys.lv – site of summercamps for latgalian youth.

lr.lv – web site of abovementioned Latgola radio.

That’s about it… Not much for 300.000 lg language speakers…

Hope this will give you some overview of the topic of your interest. Please note that this information is based on my subjective knowledge of topic, the numbers are not scientifically precise and I might have missed some media.

Apart from this – if you need any clarification or additional information – please do write or call me +371 29 415 999 (mobile).

You might also want to contact other people of Latgola Student Center, see contacts at www.lakuga.lv/lv/ngo/lgsc/kontakti

If you happen to come to Latvia, we (Latgola Student Center) will be glad to meet you in person and discuss Latgaian related issues or provide necessary directions for your research.

Good luck and dont forget to send us a copy of your paper…:)


Harijs Bernans.