Activity Calendar

Project title: New Spatial Development Zone for Border Regions of Latvia and Russia – Connecting Potentials of Two Countries

Programme: Interreg III A North priority (ERDF, Tacis)

Project number: NIV-093

Project acronym: Remote Access

December 2007

17.12.2007.Project PIU and SC meeting in Pskov.
18.12.2007.SProject Closing conference in Pskov.
End DecemberElaboration of Project Final report for submission to VRAA and Interreg Joint Secretariat Riga


NovemberStrategy experts finalize the work on Joint Spatial Development Strategy.
09.11.2007.Project Closing conference in Pskov.
15.11.2007.External experts SIA „Konsorts” submit to LRDA the study on transport and supporting services in LV-RU border area. External experts SIA „Grupa 93” submit to LRDA the study on development of technological parks and distribution centres in Latgale Region.

Oktober 2007

OctoberStrategy experts continue working on analysis of local and regional development and planning documents, interviews of municipalities and involved stake holders, compiling results, defining priorities.
OctoberLRDA works on development and printing of the Project progress brochure.

September 2007

13.09.2007.Project seminar in Gulbene „Common Development vision of the regions”. Meeting with the politicians and representatives of transport sector of Vidzeme Region.
26.09.2007.Submission of the 2nd period report to VRAA.

July – August 2007

July – AugustStrategy experts continue working on analysis of local and regional development and planning documents, interviews of municipalities and involved stake holders, compiling results.
July – AugustLRDA prepares and publishes the Project progress brochures.
04.07.2007.Announcement of Tacis procurement for elaboration of the study on development of technological parks and distribution centres on the oblasts of Pskov and Leningrad.
10.08.2007.LRDA signs the contract with SIA „Konsorts” about elaboration of the study „Transport and supporting services in LV-RU border area” (based on the results of procurement LRAA/2007/NIV-093/11)
14.08.2007.LRDA signs the contract with SIA „Grupa 93” about elaboration of the study „Development of technological parks and distribution centres in Latgale Region” (based on the results of procurement LRAA/2007/NIV-093/12).
Project partners from Russia sign the contract with the company „Region-Invest (St.Petersburg) about the elaboration of the study on development of technological parks and distribution centres in the oblasts of Pskov and Leningrad.
17.08.2007.The meeting of the Steering Committee in Daugavpils. Approval of the Project progress and the large scale study „Analysis of Potential of Latgale, Vidzeme, Pskov and Leningrad Regions in the Field of Transport and Logistics Services. Current Trends and Development Opportunities”.
20.08.2007.LRDA announces results of the procurements and winners who will translate SDS document (IK Eliteks) and publish (Latgales Druka).

June 2007

14.06.2007.Project seminar in Daugavpils „Spatial planning documents – similarities and differences”. Project partners and SDS experts present information on their regional development documents.
14.06.2007.Work meeting of Lead Partner and Tacis partners on elaboration of Tacis Interim Report and other issues
18.-20.06.07Study Tour to border area of Finland – Russia, participants of Study Tour – 7 people from Latvain side and 7 people from Russian side
20.06.2007.LRDA announces procurement for printing LRAA/2007/NIV-093/10-1 with submission deadline 28.06.2007. at 17.00.
21.06.2007.Project seminar „Transport, cargos and people flows in the project area” in St.Petersburg, conference
21.06.2007.Meetings of PIU and SC in St.Petersburg to approve consolidated ERDF report and Tacis Interim report
26.06.2007.LRDA announces procurement LRAA/2007/NIV-093/12 for elaboration of the study „Development of technological parks and distribution centres in Latgale Region” with submission deadline 18.07.2007. at 12.00.
29.06.2007.LRDA announces procurement LRAA/2007/NIV-093/11 for elaboration of the study „Transport and supporting services in LV-RU border area” with submission deadline 23.07.2007. at 12.00.

April 2007

10.04.2007.Conference “Transport and Logistics – Problems and Opportunities” takes place at Park Hotel Latgola in Daugavpils
11.04.2007.Meeting of Project implementation unit (working group) takes place in Daugavpils.

March 2007

14.03.2007.Latgale Regional Development Agency announces public procurement procedure within the framework of Tacis LRAA/2007/NIV-093/05 Research Services with deadline for submission of proposals by 05.04.2007, 12o’clock.
15.03.2007.Latgale Regional Development Agency announces public procurement procedure LRAA/2007/NIV-093/04 (supply of computer equipment and accessories) with deadline for submission of proposals by 10.04.2007, 12.o’clock.
16.03.2007.Service contract about provision of research services signed with the winner “Grupa 93”, Ltd.
19.03.207.Service contract about provision of strategy development service signed with winner “Grupa 93”, Ltd.
20.03.2007.Latgale Regional Development Agency announces 3 public procurement procedures with deadline for submission of proposals by 26.03.2007, 17.00 o’clock:
LRAA/2007/NIV-093/06 – conference organization;
LRAA/2007/NIV-093/07 – press conference and publicity;
LRAA/2007/NIV-093/08 – project www-site development
30.03.2007.Latgale Regional Development Agency submits a progress report of the project partner to the first level control.

February 2007

16.02.2007.The meeting of Project implementation unit (working group) takes place in Daugavpils. Project managers from Latgale Regional Development Agency, Vidzeme Development Agency, Administration of Pskov Oblast, joint-stock company Region-Expo (St. Petersburg) take part in it.
17.02.2007.Meeting of Project Steering Committee takes place in Daugavpils. Participants from the Latgale Regional Development Agency, Administration of Pskov Oblast, joint-stock company “Region-Expo” (St. Petersburg) take part in it.
19.02.2007.The public procurement procedures LRAA/NIV-093/02 and LRAA/NIV-093/03 completed and respectively one proposal for each received.

January 2007

26.01.2007.Latgale Regional Development Agency announces two public procurement procedures: LRAA/NIV-093/02 (on provision of research services) and LRAA/NIV-093/03 (on strategy development service).

December 2006

01.12.2006.Project partners sign Partnership Agreement. Latgale Regional Development Agency as Tacis Lead Partner signs individual cooperation agreements with Tacis project partners.
01.12.2006.Latgale Regional Development Agency signs a contract with “Konsultanti”, Ltd. about provision of project management services.

November 2006

06.11.2006.Public procurement procedure LRAA/NIV-093/01 to provide project management services completed. The winner is “Konsultanti”, Ltd.
30.11.206.Tacis Lead Partner – Latgale Regional Development Agency signs Tacis grant contract (ERDF subsidy contract was signed on 19.09.2006.).